Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Hacking of State Elections Traced to... DHS.

More states confirm suspected cyberattacks sourced to DHS
Russians in DHS? MyGawd, they're everywhere! Or maybe nowhere.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"has yet to explain at least nine other suspected network scans"

Sounds as if someone at the DHS or one of its contractors was just running a port scan; beyond that, nothing in the article suggests any attempt was made to penetrate the systems. Whether the elections systems were specifically targeted, or whether the culprit was just running an automated bot randomly selecting IP addresses, is not clear. My own server logs collect dozens of these scans a week, mostly coming out of China.

At this point it seems a bit over-the-top to call them "cyberattacks". This needs to be thoroughly investigated, and if it's determined someone was deliberately targeting the KY systems heads should roll for, if nothing else, bone-headed stupidity.